Privacy policy and protection of personal information

Maricam Logistics respects the right to protection of personal information in accordance with the laws of Quebec and Canada relating to the protection of privacy.

Maricam Logistics may collect personal information about you through the Site, however, this information is only collected in order to communicate with you, provide you with the information you need or any other necessary information.

The personal information collected allows Maricam Logistics to open an account in your name, process your order and compile statistics.

When you visit this site, only the IP address of your computer, the type of device used and the country is recorded, but it is not linked to any personal data.

Only Maricam Logistics employees have access to the information you transmit on the site. Under no circumstances does Maricam Logistics communicate, sell or rent its list of subscribers to a third party. By completing the forms or questionnaires submitted by Maricam Logistics, you agree that this information will be used for commercial purposes, under the conditions indicated above.

You can, at any time, correct or object to the processing of information concerning you, by contacting us by email at the following address:

Under no circumstances will we ask you to provide us with confidential data (credit card number, password, etc.) by email. Furthermore, you are strongly advised to take all necessary measures to protect your personal data when browsing the web in general.

Verification of privacy settings on Google

Log files and cookies

Maricam Logistics uses Facebook services which collect certain information through log files and cookie files. This mainly concerns the following information:
– IP adress
– Operating system
– Pages visited and queries
– Connection time and day

The use of such files allows us to improve our service and for statistical purposes. We also use Facebook’s Custom Audiences services which use cookies to track visitors to this website and create targeted advertisements for our products or services.

Contact form

By completing the contact form integrated into this website, you consent to Maricam Logistics retaining the information entered there. This collection is carried out for the sole purpose of communicating with you or submitting an offer of services to you or giving you information regarding the services offered by Maricam Logistics or any other relevant information. Maricam Logistics is not responsible for communications sent to you due to the registration by a third party of your information in the contact form. Maricam Logistics is also not responsible for failure to respond due to registration errors or typing and/or spelling errors via our contact form. Maricam Logistics offers no guarantee of response in relation to the contact form integrated into the site. Under no circumstances should the use of the contact form integrated into this site be interpreted as acceptance of a mandate/contract by Maricam Logistics.

Right of opposition and withdrawal

You can opt out of cookie files at any time by clearing the cache and deleting cookies from your browser. You can also go to the website to find the procedure allowing you to opt out of targeted advertisements from Facebook and other sites.

We are committed to offering you a right of opposition and withdrawal regarding your personal information collected. You can contact us in writing at to remove your other personal information from our lists.

Data manager: Marilyne R-Trudel 450 773-1168 poste 31226